Current date/time is May 8th 2024, 8:50 am

Forum Terms of service

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Welcome to The Estate . The text above is set by the forum's host and cannot be edited.Following is the terms of use that members must agree to prior to joining and using any of T.E's services.1. Membership is free with no obligation to post with any frequency or participate in any exchanges or discussions. There is no age limit for posting and junior members are more than welcome.2.T E has a classifieds section in which members may list items for sale3. Commercial enterprises MAY join and MAY post in the classifieds section on the provision that they are actively involved in the forum and do not post links to external sites. Links to external commercial and non-commerical websites are only permitted to be displayed in the links forum.4. Trading live plants, plant products, gardening equipment and seeds in Australia comes with special responsibilities. Each State has its own quarantine regulations and it is of paramount importance that people are mindful of each individual State's laws. It is up to the individual to become familiar with these regulations. RT will in no way be held liable for any legal action initiated as a consequence of any member's failure to familiarise themselves with these regulations.5. These forums are dedicated to the exchange of information. This is done so freely and in good will and any advice given on these forums should be accepted as exactly that... advice given in good will, designed to help you make your decisions but not necessarily determine your decisions. Efforts will be made to ensure the accuracy and veracity of the information posted but it is not subject to any guarantee and RT will not be held responsible for any losses, damage, injury or litigation that may occur as a result of advice given by the T E membership.6. IMPORTANT: In the event the Administrator(s) are contacted to give evidence pertaining to the alleged illegal dealing(s) of an RT member on or through the forum we will co-operate fully and make all of our resources available to the investigating authorities without hesitation or consultation.7. Discrimination or incrimination of any kind will not be tolerated and those partaking in such exchanges will also be reported to the relevant authorities and have their membership privileges removed.8. To avoid issues of possible slander, members are asked to refrain from mentioning by name any individual, business or organistion in any way that may possibly damage or restrict their ability to conduct their affairs.TE is moderated by volunteers and every effort will be made on the part of the Administration and its Moderators to remove such posts but we are not online all the time and as such we monitor the traffic in all the forums as time permits. Please report anything that you feel contravenes any of these terms of use.9. Participants are subject to any and all relevant Australian Federal and State laws.10. Signatures or signoffs are not to contain any clickable links.11. To be eligible to post on TE members MUST have at least their State listed in their profile in the location field. Members who don't will be asked to fix this issue and failure to do this will result in the post being removed or membership being suspended.12. If you do not understand any part of these terms of use please do NOT click on 'I agree to these terms' and contact the Administrator for clarification.13. A section of these forums is dedicated to mentoring junior members. All RT members are required to be mindful of the possible pressence of children. TE is dedicated to the protection of children and will remove anything deemed unsuitable for viewing by children.Please enjoy your stay and afford the same level of respect to other patrons that you expect to be given yourself.